Sunday, February 15, 2009

Komersil Dzikir

Kalau ngeliat JakTv Setiap hari minggu jam 11 maleman, ada sebuah bloking acara yang 'cukup' menarik perhatiaan, yaitu bloking acara 'Dzikir Masal Ustad Haryono- asal pasuruaan itu.

Pertama aku kira cuman liputan biasa, tapi kok setiap hari minggu (taunya hari minggu aja sih, ga tau kalo dia ada di hari lain) berita tentang dia terus ada, dengan ajakan dzikir masalnya, terus testimonial dari orang2 yang berhasil sembuh dari dia dan host acara dia adalah Feni Rose !!! ehm, jadi ini bloking iklan toh...

Hebat juga ya ustad ini, banyak duitnya, apalagi setelah googling sebentar, biaya untuk penyembuhan juga lumayan juta-an. Hm.

Sebetulnya, sebagai orang iklan sendiripun, aku ga suka liat agama jadi dikomersilkan seperti itu. Metode Dzikir, bukan dukun. Apakah layak metode penyembuhan dzikir seperti itu *melalui jalan do'a* dikomersilkan seperti itu? Disamakan seperti kalau lagi mengiklankan produk komersial, kayak misal deodorant ato sampoo seperti itu? kan ya nggak...

Bukan soal percaya atau nggak, cuman aku ga suka apa yang dilakukan dia untuk mencari uang, dan dengan mengatasnamakan nama Allah yang maha besar.

Hm. Lama-lama bangsa Indo jadi ga jelas gini deh, apa iya JakTV demi mencari uang terus menerima iklan yang seperti itu? Mestinya tetap ada batasan-batasan yang ga bisa dilanggar dunk.....

Ga tau ah :( apa jadinya Indonesia dan agama Islam kalau tetap seperti ini?

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Daily Skin Care

As an active women (hehehe, magazine style bgt :p), taking care her skins is a must, especially on our face. What products that suits you best an? After trial and error on these years, finally i settle up my basic daily skin care with these products. And i am in such the mood that would love to share you what inside my 'secret'.

1. Vitamin E Gentle Facial Wash ( Bodyshop )

After tired with Biore Facial Wash for years (esp. on high school years), i tried with this product and suddenly in love the effects that occurs after i used it. It makes you feel clean & smooth in the same time, and also feel soft (that i couldn't get from Biore Facial Wash, it's too strong). Been using this product for 5 years by now and never disappointed.

2. Bodyshop vitamin e moisture cream

Before, i never think that i gonna using any facial moisture, until my face skin is pecah-pecah because the winter and i have so many pimples on my face even though i already wash it everyday. And also another reason is, i feel that my face will be more oily if i used moisture products. And i also been trying few products, before i secretly used my roommate products and turn out that this products went well with my skin. I also tried to another moisture products of Bodyshop, but always back to this vitamin E. Beside, to its smooth, it also quickly absorbded to my skin, so i can apply the face powder immediately. Luv it!

3. Dermozone 2 in 1 cleanser with ozonated olive oil.

This product is my new finding. Even though it stated that originated from UK, i have doubt that this products is even famous in their original continent, europe :.

First, i used this when i got an sample from my office. It turns good for me. Before, i was simply thing that i dont have to have expensive for just cleanser, and i feel right when i used VIVA cleanser (which only cost me 5000) :D, but i just feel right not good or 'wow' feels that i need, and i also used to think that i enough with that bodyshop vitamin e facial wash. But now i do make up, and i think facial wash isn't enough anymore.

Because this product is quite difficult to find (only in several stores), when my sample was over, i decided to change to other product (until i can get any sample again, lol) which is Ponds Cleanser (this time costs me about IDR 12.000) and turned that PONDS product is too much alcohol, that didnt feel good on my face. Thus, when i have chance to back to Dermozone store on Sumenep, i bought this product (about IDR 87.000,-) and i feel happy of it :D. I also try their face mask, and also love that :D ( i got free samples for their face mask and face scrub, big hooray!)

4.SKIN FOOD Fresh Lime Body Cream

This is my bday gift from Lia, my ex-officemate. I love the smeel and feel relax when i apply it upon my body. Overall, this product is good, even though i dont feel to buy it by myself ( I am not big fan of body lotion/cream, besides, i already have dermozone body butter as a replace)

As i already settled up with my skin care products, i haven't settled up yet with my make-up products. I still under trying so many products (espesially the ones that i get free from my office), but still not find my 'soulmate' yet espesially on lipstic things.

What currently i use are :
1. Ultima II face powder (usually, i uses this after i apply moisture)
2. Revlon face powder ( handy on my pocket, for re-touch up )
3. Bodyshop Lip Shine
4. Caring Colours Blush On ( i love the colour when it apply on my cheek)
5. Revlon Mascara ( not that good, but feels okay)
6. Maybelline Eye Shadow (love the color, make me looks so fresh in one brush)
7. Revlon Eye Shadow
8. Bodyshop Eye Shadow(initially, it have two colors but it broken into pieces -.-)

....... and me feels so girly by writting this post..... :D